
my new friend

thanks, tax return, for being a great friend this year.
because of you, I was able to get another awesome friend.
blog friends, meet new camera.
 new camera, meet awesome blog friends.

I think it's awesome I used my photo booth camera to take a picture of the new camera.
is it wrong to be so terrified of something?
here's to more blog updates with even more pictures!

(*note* we have a video camera from my cute little bro that we are planning on using just as much now 
that we can finally take videos with it rather than pictures (it's first a video camera, second a still-photo cam).


  1. Yay!! So exciting & I cant wait for more updates & pictures!

  2. EXCITING! New cameras are always fun!

  3. I am very jealous and happy for you at the same time! I don't even have a functioning camera right now, so the iphone does the photo taking... I think I may regret that someday ha ha

  4. I'm intimidated by ours too. Spencer got a DSLR w/ grad money, and I still would rather just use the one on my iPhone. Yesterday when we went out to play in the snow, he text me telling me to use the Nikon to get some good ones, and I still didn't!

    I've been pinning tons of tutes on Pinterest about photography. He's actually doing a little photo blog, if you're interested in following, he kinda explains what he's learning as he goes. Helps me to understand without reading his book. :) www.understandingexp0sure.blogspot.com

    Have fun! I'm looking forward to seeing some pictures on here. :) I just mentioned you in my last post. You'll have to go see why when you get a chance!

  5. Yay! My iPhone is the only camera I know now, but one day we will become sophisticated folk! Take lots of pictures. Oh, also put them on your blog :)
