
a student...again...

I know I need to post pictures. I will get on that when we get back to Provo.

Anyway, I don't know if I mentioned this previously, but I am going back to school next semester.
I know, I know. You all thought I graduated. I walked with Sean in August of 2009 (when I was 20 weeks pregnant with Oliver) because I was only 8 credits shy of my degree and we were moving to Texas and blahblahblah. Funny thing: the classes I need are generals. GENERALS! I know, so lame. Why didn't I complete them, oh, 6 years ago? No clue. I just figured I would do independent study while we were in Texas, thinking that we were never going to be back in Provo.

But Provo always sucks you back in.

So here I sit, perfecting my class schedule. I figured it would probably be easier to just take the classes on campus since we're here. I am 24 years old, 14 weeks pregnant with a 1-year old at home, and taking classes with a bunch of 17/18 year olds. It's going to be awesome.

*Oh! An interesting thing! So, my totally awesome OB (the one who does all the ultrasounds for all of his patients) told me at my 12-week appointment that I would be finding out the gender at my next appointment. What?! I said, "But I'll only be 16 weeks!" To which he confidently replied, "Summer, I have 99.8% accuracy in gender prediction from 15 weeks, so long as baby cooperates." For a guy in his 60's who has been doing ultrasounds as long as he has been practicing, I like my odds. Chinese gender predictor says a girl--they also said Oliver would be a boy, so maybe? I am hoping that with my severe prepubescent acne issues and general lack of physical appeal that it's a girl, sucking all the semi-descent normalities ( mild to moderate skin dryness/acne, and somewhat manageable hair) from me. We will (hopefully) find out January 7th!
 So, boy or girl?


such a brat.

I'm a brat. I hate it when people announce a pregnancy and don't post details. I did it in a hurry (because I wanted the blogging world to find out before the FB world--we actually haven't even FB announced it yet (no reason why not)). I just figured our good friends/best stalkers should find out first. So, here is a little about this pregnancy:

*This was a planned pregnancy. No 'oopsie' moment here. Started "trying" (I hate saying) in August, found out I was pregnant in October.
*I'm 13 weeks--due the end of June.
*I've been sick as a dog. SO much nausea. I have been taking phenergan since week 6--religiously up until about a week ago. I am pretty tired, which probably has more to do with a crazy 1-year old than being pregnant. Maybe both.
*I think it's a girl. But I thought Oliver was a girl.
*I've already had 3 ultrasounds. I know, so lucky. The reason why: I decided on a doctor in Provo after absolutely hating my doctor with Oliver (he's in Texas, anyway) and had my first appt. and ultrasound with him at 8 weeks. While at that appt. I found out that Timp Hospital will NOT do vbac deliveries. Grr. The closest hospital that would do it (that my insurance covers) is in Payson. Per my cousin's recommendation, I am seeing Dr. Crouch in Payson and I absolutely love him. I have had a total of 4 ob's and he is the only doc who does the ultrasounds. I love that. Plus, when I've gone in to see him he says, "I've got a little time, do you wanna see baby?" Uh, yes, please!
*Did I mention I am planning on doing a vbac? Meaning, vaginal after cesarean. I had a c-section with Oliver (I hated it) and will do all I can to avoid another.
*As of right now, I look like I did at 20 weeks with Oliver.
*Oliver and new baby will be 18-months apart--perfect for us.

Oh! I wanted to give a brief update on Sean's law school stuff: he has received 2 acceptances thus far--UCLA (#15) and Duke (#10)! Not bad for back-up schools, eh?



I have a 1-year old. What?!

Our little (huge) boy turned one today! I can't believe it's already been a year. Here's a little update on him:

*He had his 12-month appointment today: he weighs 25 pounds 12 ounces (89th percentile), 32 1/2 inches (98th percentile) and 19 inch head (93rd...geesh).
*He is officially forward-facing in his car seat! We love this and so does he.
*He has 8 teeth, but I have a sneaking suspicion that some of his molars aren't too far off.
*We also think he may have a lactose sensitivity. We've already phased out formula and have been transitioning with a free can of Enfamil's next stage stuff. We are going to try whole milk when we get to Washington and just watch him closely.
*Runs everywhere.
*Loves giving hugs! He loves hugging babies, especially his little best friend Rowan. He will randomly walk up to people and hug them.
*Prefers human food off our plates to jar baby food.
*He can climb onto the couch by himself.
*This one is awesome: he understands ledges and gaps. For instance: today we were getting on an elevator and he looked and saw a two-inch gap and refused to walk on it. He leaned forward as far as he could and reached for us. Another: last weekend at the Mosman/Stellmon Christmas party there was a driveway ledge (like an inch) that he wouldn't walk up to. Ha! He'll stand on the ledge of our front door and just whine.

Anyway, we think he's totally awesome and can't believe he is one! Just a reminder, here are some baby shots (when he was brand new and then a week old):

How perfect is that face? I mean, seriously. And here is our stud a year later:

Happy Birthday, goofball!
(Also, I'm not sure why none of his 8 teeth are showing...)


christmas cookies

I was attempting to encourage Christmas cheer last night by making Christmas themed sugar cookies whilst listening to Christmas music. After a few cursing episodes (seriously, every single gingerbread man's head fell off), we ended up having a pretty good time. Here is proof:

Ok, apparently I only have one picture of cookies and several of Oliver with his new toothbrush. I can't believe he is almost ONE. Can you believe it?! He's such a little gentleman (minus all the biting).

family pictures

We had these done a couple of months ago, but we've been out of town and blahblahblah, so here are some of our favorite, done by the amazing Victoria  of Victoria Baines Harris Photography (you can get to her website HERE):

There were about 15 more I could have posted--she's a great photographer! Also, notice how Oliver is my tiny, male twin?



my son is a biter. if we pull him one way while he is walking he will bite our hands. when he's cuddling on my shoulder he'll bite me. if he's walking around our house and we block the computer with our feet or arms, he'll bite those. he's crazy!


little update

We arrived safely in California on Thursday and have been having a wonderful time thus far. We are currently staying at Lisa's house and on Sunday we'll head over to Matt and Shantele's. I just had to say this: I am so very grateful for wonderful in-laws who make traveling such a breeze. Shantele made sure to stock up her house with diapers, wipes, baby food, snacks, baby spoons, sippy cups, and shampoo so we wouldn't have to worry about packing any of that. Oh, she also bought a high-chair last time I was in town for all of us to use (not us, but the children, teehee). Both Lisa and Shantele have pack'n'plays, so when all of us come into town, we'll never have to worry about bringing that. SO NICE! Now I have to go get ready because Lisa is taking all of us to go see Harry Potter while Matt and Shantele watch Oliver! Like I said, great in-laws. *(note: it isn't just the "stuff"they provide (obviously)--Oliver is loved so much by his grandma, nana, and grandpa. There are few things that make me happier than seeing them play with him and kiss his little cheeks).

Anyway, I took this picture of Oliver on my phone before we left to come here--I think he looks like such a little boy:


is it already the middle of November?!

I can't believe it's already half-way through November! Good thing my Christmas decorations (including 2 trees) have been up since the 1st. And even better thing that 100.3 started playing Christmas music on the 3rd.

I mentioned in a previous post that we took a week-long trip up to Grants Pass, OR to visit my sister and her family. Grants Pass is so charming. It's tucked between big hills covered in pine trees. It had perfectly clear, blue skies the entire week we were there until the last day. They just bought their first house and it is so perfect and cute. Here are some pics of the cousins together:

Bryn, just watching some Dora.

 Little cousins--10 months apart!
 All of my babes.
 ahhh, I can't resist all the goofy hair and adorable faces.

Oliver turned 11 months today! He says 'dada', 'mama', 'nighnigh', and...'dora'. I know. He loves her. And to be honest, I love that he does. Her show turns on in the morning and he starts dancing and saying her name. I even bought him a Dora book. Sue me. He cruises everywhere and gets into everything. Lately he's been eating bananas by the whole--we break off a huge chunk and he walks around the house eating it. He has the two bottom teeth and four top ones. His hair is still goofy as ever (see pics). He is the most energetic, happy, loving boy on the planet. We got him moon boots at Target yesterday (size 6--can you believe it?) and he tottered around like a little drunk, stomping his feet as he went. Here he is at 11 months!:

Oliver and 'Blank'--my little bro's GF made the blanket for him and he LOVES it.
 Uncle Van in the background--he loves Oliver!
 Eating his Dora book.

Quick-story: We've been marveling over the last few weeks about how old our little baby is getting. His features are becoming more prominent, he babbles, he runs everywhere, he does little toddler things like drinking from a sippy cup and eating full-sized cookies. Plus, he's almost completely stopped barfing (yay!). Yesterday at Target he started nuzzling in my shoulder nook and Sean said, "He is such a little boy now-I can't believe how grownup he is." And then he started licking my collar bone. Ha! What a goober.


one of the many reasons...

...why I love my mother:
(she sent the card to Sean congratulating him on his LSAT exam).


LSAT madness

So, any of you who have been around us for the last 4 1/2 months have known that our lives have been consumed by Sean and his marriage to his Ace test prep class. 3 days a week, 3 hours each session PLUS a practice test every Saturday AND personal study for a couple hours every day in addition to class and test times. Phew. All of this was in preparation for October 10th when he would take the LSAT.

He did very, very well.

I am so proud of him! He did so well, in fact, that he has been receiving multiple offers (most of which are top 15 law programs) to waive his application fees so he will apply there (YIPEEEE!). So, our rather short, but well-thought out list of law schools went from 6 (you have to be reasonable when the money is coming from our bank account) to over 15. Why apply? Why not? It's free and it will be cool to see where he gets accepted. We will be applying in the next week and will hopefully know where we're going by the end of the year!

Also: my Christmas tree is up (not yet decorated) as are all of my decorations. I also realized today I still have Halloween pictures up in the window. Teehee. I'm silly.


happy halloween!

Let's be honest: Oliver didn't really cooperate. Maybe next year! On to Thanksgiving and Christmas!


little cute face

I have been meaning to upload this video for a couple of weeks now, but I haven't been able to do anything with my videos for the last month because someone sucked on and destroyed TWO mac cords in two months. We are at my sister's house (pictures to come) and am bumming a charge from her cord. This was the week Oliver turned 9 months (he turned 10 months October 14th!):

I'll post a video tomorrow of how we walks now. He is so funny.


cutie patootie

silly boy.

oh, to clarify his curly hair: it was curly when he was born and then went pretty straight. however, after a bath, when he sweats, or if we're in a humid climate, it gets all curly and cute. Lisa said Sean's curly hair manifest itself around 11 months, so we'll see what happens! All I know is he's sort of rockin' a mullet. Neat.


things I want

If I avoid the word "covet" does it make it more acceptable to have this list?

-husqvarna viking sapphire 835. It's only, like, $1200. I could have chosen a Diamond model but I figured I would attempt to be more realistic (giggling). Heck, I would die for an Emerald.

-a freaking camera that doesn't have a shattered front screen.

-a dishwasher. I will NEVER rent a place without one again.

-another pair of TOMS--the creamy ones.

-first season of Glee.

-to not have adult acne (remember, the title of this post was "things I want" so this totally fits).

Anyway, I posted this picture to my FB account, but I wanted to post it here too:

Cute little Woody man.


thursday thoughts

I am loving the cooler, autumn weather in Provo. I actually used the heat in the car today!

Oliver has been fussy for the last week or so. Turns out his front tooth was pushing through (noticed it on Sunday)! He wasn't getting any better and I looked yesterday and what did I see? BOTH had pushed through. Poor guy.

I called my mom to ask for pointers on putting up Halloween spiderweb stuff. She said, "You just throw it up." Hey, mom, remember how you've been working with the oddity that is spider webbing for over 30 years? And this is my first year? You can't just "throw up" Halloween spider webbing your first go-around and expect it to look good. It took me 2 hours to get it right. And I'll be honest: it looks real good.

It is never a good sign when you get a piece of chicken from the Gas-n-Go and rip off a piece and start eating it and realize you have to treat it like an artichoke--using your teeth to scrape off the goodness. I should have known when Holly said, "Yeah, we made those at, like, 5AM, but the breading gets put on pretty thick which I think protects the chicken."

I failed the safety portion of the safety and emissions test last week because our front two windows were 5% too dark. I took it across the street to get the tint removed the lady said it was $20 to remove and $90 to remove and put back on after you passed safety (shady, eh?). I said I didn't care if the windows were tinted and that sunglasses could provide the tint I would need. Two things on sunglasses: 1.) they are great for shielding the glare of the sun, the sheen of snow, or hiding the mascara that tatooed itself under your eyes because you didn't wash it off the night before and 2.) they do NOT, however, shield other people from looking in and judging you for wrangling with the rubbery chicken you've been gnawing on at every stoplight between the Gas-n-Go and our house (8 lights total).

Note to self: re-tint the windows. And never listen to Holly about chicken.



I get so irritated when people don't update their blog. How dare they deprive me of my daily blog creepin'. And here I go, doing the thing I hate most. Here is a rapid fire update over the last 2 weeks:

Oliver had his 9-month check-up--stats as follows:
31.5" and 22.11 pounds.

He's getting so big! He is off the charts for height and around the 89th percentile for weight. His head is enormous coming in the 95th percentile (obviously--he's got a huge brain to house). He started taking his first steps at about 8 months and now successfully walks everywhere. Oliver and I spent the week of September 22nd-29th with my ridiculously awesome in-laws in northern California. Matt and Shantele flew me out (for my birthday) and I spent the week being treated to lunches, delicious dinners (prepared by Shan--that's what I call her and I never thought to ask if she cared. That's love for ya), and wonderful company and chats. Oliver has no idea how much he is loved by them and the boys*. It's just such a huge blessing.

While in California, the weather gods continued their awful tricks with me and brought sweltering heat and humidity the majority of my trip making clothing pretty much obsolete (don't judge). Luckily, we spent the weekend in Santa Cruz (where it topped out at a "much cooler" 90 degrees), lounging by the pool at our adorable boutique hotel. Good thing, too, because we all quickly found out that Oliver takes after grandpa when it comes to humidity--he becomes the angry kid. Anyway, it was so much fun. Shan has pictures from the week I'm hoping she'll send me soon (hint hint).

Oliver was able to spend time with grandma, uncle Miles, and uncle Riley while there, too. Miles was the catalyst in Oliver walking. Oliver adores Miles and has since their first meeting in July. He took 8 steps to Miles September 16th and has progressed rapidly since. Now he walks around the house like an adult. Thanks to Miles for helping out!

Since I know this is all you people care about, enjoy (do make note of Oliver's ridiculously goofy hair):
 I love his face and pokey ears in this one...

Oh yeah, his front tooth finally broke through! He now has 2.2ish teeth.

*I keep forgetting to explain who is who and how we're related since it is kind of confusing with everyone, so here it is:

 grandpa -->Matt, who is Sean's dad
nana-->Shantele, who is Sean's step-mom (and a little bit my girl crush--what can I say, she's a woman after my own heart)
the twins-->Shantele's 10-year old cutie-pies Nikko and Nickolas--we are all so glad to have them as part of the family!
grandma-->in respect to this particular post, is Sean's mom, Lisa. My mom is also grandma, but not in this post. ok.
papa--> my dad (also not mentioned in this post, but should be established, nonetheless).
Oh, and between Sean and I, I have 18 brothers and sisters (including in-laws).

Ok. I feel much better having made that list for you.


stupid technology

I decided to update the blog and in doing so lost all of my stalkees. SO not worth it.


I went hiking.

This deserves its own blog post because it's a real rarity. I think I have been on, like, 2 voluntary hikes in my life. I have actually been on 6-ish total (4 of those were for girls camp certification, so it really doesn't count because I was forced to go to certify--sneaky church).

Anyway, we went hiking Saturday at Stewart Falls. Here is the proof:


He's so dang cute.

This was the only one where Oliver was looking...

So there you go. I'm a hiker!

Oh, this picture has nothing to do with the hike, but it's pretty precious, so I had to include it:

 (Sean's intramural game)