

i am a sunbeam teacher at church.
(aka i wrangle the 3-year olds)
here is reason 1,634,988 why i love it:
(i'll call this particular sweetheart 'd')

d: teacher summer, i love you and i love your stories.
and i think your dress is really pretty.
me: i love you, too, d. your dress is also really pretty.
and i think you are very smart, too.
d: thanks. i like your baby. she is a cutie-patootie.
(major emphasis on the 'tootie')
i have a baby brother and when he gets bigger
i'm going to take your baby because you
told us you have two, so you won't miss her when i take her.

i know, are you kidding me?
there is just something so sweet and wonderful about a 3-year old.
(except when they are awful. 
which rarely happens with my sunbeams because i am always
 prepared with an arsenal of snacks--mostly candy. 
i'm no dummy, people.)


  1. I love the sunbeams!! Lola is a sunbeam this year, it is so crazy. A new little girl came to our ward yesterday and she was following Owen while he crawled down the hall and she was telling him to come back to me. I went over and told her thanks for helping and she said to Owen, "you should go to your mom, she is the most beautiful mom. I bet you want your most beautiful mom." I thought that was the sweetest thing ever! Kids can be so sweet.

  2. I love it! Sunbeams are so dang cute :)
