
update and stuff

I am 37 weeks pregnant.
...yeah...I'm looking a little rough these days. 
Can you blame me, though? I have a freaking torpedo stuck under my shirt.
speaking of torpedos, here's a baby girl update:
So, remember the iron thing I told you to wish me luck on or something? 
Well, my iron actually went down.
It's funny/annoying to me at this point. So I had another iron infusion at the hospital this morning before my OB appointment. It takes TWO HOURS. I just watch the molasses-color-ish stuff drip into the needle in my elbow pit. I am still taking 1000 MG a day plus the prenatal. We'll check levels again next week
.But here's the totally awesome news:: I am dilated to a 1! Yessssssss.

You all may be laughing but this is HUGE progress for me. Let me take you back to a time 18 months ago when I was induced at 39 weeks not at all dilated or effaced. I made it to a whopping 1/2 centimeter before the c-section. Ok, so now do you understand my excitement?? Plus, the doc said her head is locked and super low--also totally awesome, considering Oliver was considered a "free floater."

speaking of the goober...:

 we took a stroll through campus. 
if you are wondering why Oliver's hair looks so terrible in the first two pictures it's because (well, aside from the fact that he has the horrible Sykes hair gene) he leaked his sippy of milk in his hair during his nap--and we decided not to worry about it until bath time. 
and speaking of hair and bath time, enjoy:


  1. Yes! I'm 2 preggo chicks down on my list of new babies this year. YOUR NEXT!!! Girl, boy, *GIRL*, boy. Let's get'er done :)

  2. YAY! You look GREAT and that is so exciting about the 1 cm! Not so exciting about the iron though....but soon she will be here!!!
