
happy halloween!

Let's be honest: Oliver didn't really cooperate. Maybe next year! On to Thanksgiving and Christmas!


little cute face

I have been meaning to upload this video for a couple of weeks now, but I haven't been able to do anything with my videos for the last month because someone sucked on and destroyed TWO mac cords in two months. We are at my sister's house (pictures to come) and am bumming a charge from her cord. This was the week Oliver turned 9 months (he turned 10 months October 14th!):

I'll post a video tomorrow of how we walks now. He is so funny.


cutie patootie

silly boy.

oh, to clarify his curly hair: it was curly when he was born and then went pretty straight. however, after a bath, when he sweats, or if we're in a humid climate, it gets all curly and cute. Lisa said Sean's curly hair manifest itself around 11 months, so we'll see what happens! All I know is he's sort of rockin' a mullet. Neat.


things I want

If I avoid the word "covet" does it make it more acceptable to have this list?

-husqvarna viking sapphire 835. It's only, like, $1200. I could have chosen a Diamond model but I figured I would attempt to be more realistic (giggling). Heck, I would die for an Emerald.

-a freaking camera that doesn't have a shattered front screen.

-a dishwasher. I will NEVER rent a place without one again.

-another pair of TOMS--the creamy ones.

-first season of Glee.

-to not have adult acne (remember, the title of this post was "things I want" so this totally fits).

Anyway, I posted this picture to my FB account, but I wanted to post it here too:

Cute little Woody man.


thursday thoughts

I am loving the cooler, autumn weather in Provo. I actually used the heat in the car today!

Oliver has been fussy for the last week or so. Turns out his front tooth was pushing through (noticed it on Sunday)! He wasn't getting any better and I looked yesterday and what did I see? BOTH had pushed through. Poor guy.

I called my mom to ask for pointers on putting up Halloween spiderweb stuff. She said, "You just throw it up." Hey, mom, remember how you've been working with the oddity that is spider webbing for over 30 years? And this is my first year? You can't just "throw up" Halloween spider webbing your first go-around and expect it to look good. It took me 2 hours to get it right. And I'll be honest: it looks real good.

It is never a good sign when you get a piece of chicken from the Gas-n-Go and rip off a piece and start eating it and realize you have to treat it like an artichoke--using your teeth to scrape off the goodness. I should have known when Holly said, "Yeah, we made those at, like, 5AM, but the breading gets put on pretty thick which I think protects the chicken."

I failed the safety portion of the safety and emissions test last week because our front two windows were 5% too dark. I took it across the street to get the tint removed the lady said it was $20 to remove and $90 to remove and put back on after you passed safety (shady, eh?). I said I didn't care if the windows were tinted and that sunglasses could provide the tint I would need. Two things on sunglasses: 1.) they are great for shielding the glare of the sun, the sheen of snow, or hiding the mascara that tatooed itself under your eyes because you didn't wash it off the night before and 2.) they do NOT, however, shield other people from looking in and judging you for wrangling with the rubbery chicken you've been gnawing on at every stoplight between the Gas-n-Go and our house (8 lights total).

Note to self: re-tint the windows. And never listen to Holly about chicken.



I get so irritated when people don't update their blog. How dare they deprive me of my daily blog creepin'. And here I go, doing the thing I hate most. Here is a rapid fire update over the last 2 weeks:

Oliver had his 9-month check-up--stats as follows:
31.5" and 22.11 pounds.

He's getting so big! He is off the charts for height and around the 89th percentile for weight. His head is enormous coming in the 95th percentile (obviously--he's got a huge brain to house). He started taking his first steps at about 8 months and now successfully walks everywhere. Oliver and I spent the week of September 22nd-29th with my ridiculously awesome in-laws in northern California. Matt and Shantele flew me out (for my birthday) and I spent the week being treated to lunches, delicious dinners (prepared by Shan--that's what I call her and I never thought to ask if she cared. That's love for ya), and wonderful company and chats. Oliver has no idea how much he is loved by them and the boys*. It's just such a huge blessing.

While in California, the weather gods continued their awful tricks with me and brought sweltering heat and humidity the majority of my trip making clothing pretty much obsolete (don't judge). Luckily, we spent the weekend in Santa Cruz (where it topped out at a "much cooler" 90 degrees), lounging by the pool at our adorable boutique hotel. Good thing, too, because we all quickly found out that Oliver takes after grandpa when it comes to humidity--he becomes the angry kid. Anyway, it was so much fun. Shan has pictures from the week I'm hoping she'll send me soon (hint hint).

Oliver was able to spend time with grandma, uncle Miles, and uncle Riley while there, too. Miles was the catalyst in Oliver walking. Oliver adores Miles and has since their first meeting in July. He took 8 steps to Miles September 16th and has progressed rapidly since. Now he walks around the house like an adult. Thanks to Miles for helping out!

Since I know this is all you people care about, enjoy (do make note of Oliver's ridiculously goofy hair):
 I love his face and pokey ears in this one...

Oh yeah, his front tooth finally broke through! He now has 2.2ish teeth.

*I keep forgetting to explain who is who and how we're related since it is kind of confusing with everyone, so here it is:

 grandpa -->Matt, who is Sean's dad
nana-->Shantele, who is Sean's step-mom (and a little bit my girl crush--what can I say, she's a woman after my own heart)
the twins-->Shantele's 10-year old cutie-pies Nikko and Nickolas--we are all so glad to have them as part of the family!
grandma-->in respect to this particular post, is Sean's mom, Lisa. My mom is also grandma, but not in this post. ok.
papa--> my dad (also not mentioned in this post, but should be established, nonetheless).
Oh, and between Sean and I, I have 18 brothers and sisters (including in-laws).

Ok. I feel much better having made that list for you.