
for some reason, I debated making this post.
I was worried that people (both of my faith and not) would leave me mean or non-relevant comments or start some war with words via an anonymous poster.
I just like the blog post, geesh.
it's my blog, and I can do whatever I want.
I got this from my awesome FIL a month-ish ago.
sean and I felt the message was poignant and lovely.
p.s. the man in the link was recently called to ward executive secretary in the bay area
(he was set apart by my FIL)

I just realized it would probably be better if I explained why I love his story. It isn't necessarily because I have had a difficult time understanding the church's stance on homosexuality within the church, but rather I was so curious how it felt from the other side. I am a pretty stereotypical conservative Republican (as far as my interest in politics is concerned, which isn't really that great an interest--sue me). 
I have been (I shamefully admit) judgemental and ignorant, and unfortunately, still often am.
 I am grateful for Brother Mayne's blog because in the midst of worldly anger, confusion, sadness, judgement, ostracism, pain, and whatever other emotion people within and outside my faith believe or feel about homosexuality, homosexual inclinations, or whatever-- he sees the big, beautiful picture. 
And if he can see that, I sure as heck better be able to do it, too. 
Life is all about perspective, people.


6 weeks?!

My newborn has officially graduated to an infant.
(on the top is when we left the hospital, the bottom is Rubes at 6 weeks)
 So what can we conclude? Her head is the size of a fairly large watermelon.
And her sweet watermelon noggin is pretty bald.

I haven't had the chance to blog about Ruby since I talked about the delivery so I am really looking forward to this post to commemorate her first six weeks.

Here are the most notable things about our little lady:
*since we brought her home she sleeps 5-6 hours when we put her down for the night. It's totally awesome considering Oliver didn't sleep through the night until, oh, about 3 months ago.
*she is SUPER sensitive. meaning, if we pick her up too quickly or move her limbs out of motion with how she wants she will shriek. haha. she also does it when I take a break from nursing to burp her or Sean takes a break with the bottle. I am going to get it on video one of these days.
*she loves to be held whereas Oliver didn't really care either way. That makes for interesting days.
*she nurses exceptionally well--also a stark contrast to Oliver. We'll see how long I end up going for.
*I'm pretty convinced she has the biggest feet EVER for a baby girl. suuuuper long and suuuuuper skinny.
*she has dark gray/blue eyes (maybe they'll end up light like mine!)--Oliver's were black pretty much from the beginning and they are now a really pretty chocolate brown.
*she is still in size 1 diapers and they fit just fine. all of her 3 month clothes are too baggy, but too short. poor girl.

Now, onto how Rubes worked her way into the system...
Having 2 babies 18 months apart has proven to be totally awesome! I love it. Sure, it gets tiresome at times. And sometimes I want to tie Oliver to a chair so he can't run around destroying the apartment, but isn't that what makes life interesting? I feel like I have more time to myself now than I did when it was just me and Oliver hanging out. Don't ask me how. Speaking of the goofball, many have asked how he has been with Ruby. To our surprise he has been an absolute delight. He holds her hand, gives her her bink when it falls out, and kisses her about fifteen thousand times a day. However, he pretty much hated us for the first month. I kind of feel like he talks to Ruby and says, "Look, I get it's not your fault you are here. It's theirs. I guess we're cool. But as for them? They'll get what's coming." 

This is a totally disjointed and poor excuse for a blog post. Sorry, it's late! Sue me. Here's some pictures of our Ruby Ruby Ruby at six weeks:

I tried for a half hour to get one of Ruby and I where she was looking in the general vicinity of the camera. Picture fail.


the babies

I went to get Oliver up yesterday morning and decided to put Ruby in with him to see how he would react.
He loved it.
(*please make note of the bite marks ALL OVER--proof you shouldn't spend an arm and a leg on a crib because your child won't care how pretty it is. They will think of it as the world's largest chew toy).

Okay, now remember how I took pictures in Oliver's room? I left the camera on the nightstand that I now know is too close to his crib. When putting him down for a nap that afternoon I was shocked to hear him up talking to himself almost an hour after I put him down. When the babbling stopped I went in to investigate. He was asleep with the camera in hand. I would have taken a picture if, well, he didn't have my camera.
And then I turned on the camera. 
25 shots. 
And I know there would have been more if the memory card wasn't full.
He is so dang funny. Here are some of his shots showcasing his keen eye for photography:
...and my personal favorite:
Yes. That IS his binky in the top-right corner.
Freaking goober.


I suck again!

Sorry. I have been on an almost 1-month hiatus (unintentionally) and I have lots to catch up on. After over 2500 miles of driving over a 9-day period, we are FINALLY at our home for the next 3 years: Aspen. 
Just kidding!
Los Angeles!

We are officially here and (mostly) moved in. For those who have asked us what part of LA, we now have an answer--we live in the Mar Vista part or whatever you call it, though our city address is officially Los Angeles. We are about 3 miles from UCLA campus, 5 miles from Santa Monica Pier, and 5 miles from Hollywood. So in other words, a pretty sweet location. Our apartment is great--a nice and spacious 2 bedroom/2 bath with a garage in a gated complex with 3 enclosed playgrounds for the kiddies as well as a pool and half basketball court. Oh, and all the grills one could ever hope for that are free to use whenever we want.

I wanted to post some pictures of the last two weeks to give a quick catch up of our travels. We decided to take a quick trip up to Washington before moving--and before moving I mean literally 2 days before we were leaving Utah to California. We got to see my Auntie Kay and Uncle Bob and Kevin and Shalee's new house! Unfortunately, I only have pictures of Oliver gardening at Auntie Kay's:

Sorry there aren't any pictures of Ruby. Haha. I think I forget sometimes that she is there--not in a neglectful-parent-type way, but in a oh-I-have-two-kids-to-take-pictures-of-now sort of way. 

Fast-forward to our little pool at our complex:

I know, the jheri curl is killing me.

And...to finish up this post, pictures from our first trip to the beach! Again, no good pictures of Ruby:

  beware of giganto foot in the left corner.

I promise the next post will have more of Rubert (Ruby).