
the babies

I went to get Oliver up yesterday morning and decided to put Ruby in with him to see how he would react.
He loved it.
(*please make note of the bite marks ALL OVER--proof you shouldn't spend an arm and a leg on a crib because your child won't care how pretty it is. They will think of it as the world's largest chew toy).

Okay, now remember how I took pictures in Oliver's room? I left the camera on the nightstand that I now know is too close to his crib. When putting him down for a nap that afternoon I was shocked to hear him up talking to himself almost an hour after I put him down. When the babbling stopped I went in to investigate. He was asleep with the camera in hand. I would have taken a picture if, well, he didn't have my camera.
And then I turned on the camera. 
25 shots. 
And I know there would have been more if the memory card wasn't full.
He is so dang funny. Here are some of his shots showcasing his keen eye for photography:
...and my personal favorite:
Yes. That IS his binky in the top-right corner.
Freaking goober.


  1. bahahaha!! love the pics oliver took! your kids are so cute!!

  2. Get a staining pen for the teeth marks, they work great on cribs :)
