

I reached 50 posts much quicker with this blog than our original one.
I must love this one more.
And I sure wish I had something more interesting to say, but alas...
...I do not.

So, we spent March 16-21st in Virginia and D.C. (did you know that?). Sean got into (and got scholarships) to both University of Virginia and Georgetown, so we figured we would use our free Southwest flights and the $400 travel subsidy UVA was offering and make a little trip out of it. As soon as we get all the pictures from Lisa (who met us there), I will post pictures and info from that trip. Bottom-line: Virginia is beautiful.

Per usual, I can't find our camera cord. I'm guessing it's somewhere close to my wallet that is also missing.
Oliver thinks it's his business to hide things.
Perhaps I should try and find it before we leave for Mexico on Friday...

Anyway, Oliver had his 15-month appointment last week and here are his stats:
Height: 35"-100th+ percentile!
Weight: 28 pounds--88th percentile.
Head: 19"-80th percentile. 
His head has FINALLY tapered off on growing. In fact, it hasn't grown at all since his 12-month appointment, and only 1/4" from his 9-month. Was his head really that huge back then?
He absolutely looks like he's thinning out. He's sorta ripped, actually. 18-month pants are about 2 inches too short, so we have him in 24-month and 2T clothes. My little (huge) precious.

I'm sorry I don't have pictures. 
I hate blog updates without pictures.
Did I mention I'm 27 weeks today? 
I know. Don't ask me how we're already to that point.



  1. Hey Summer...We live in N. Virginia! Let me know if you have any questions on the place so I can persuade you to move out here. You're right, it is beautiful! We plan on living here for at least a few years, so it would be fun to get the kiddos together :)

  2. Man, I wish I knew what we were doing in a year!! Time will tell. You're always going on fun trips, that's so lucky! I was thinking you were already in Mexico so that's why I said long vacation, but I guess you haven't left yet.

    Anyway, I don't remember Oliver's head ever looking so huge in pictures. Now I'm going to have to go back and check some pictures out.

    Spencer's dad lives in Sandy and works in Orem so we'll be right close. Will you be in school then? I know Spencer wants to go golfing one day while we're down there so maybe during that time? I'll let ya know!
