I'm so embarrassed. Let's just not talk about the last time I blogged, mmmkay? Let us catch up instead, all together!
I'm 37 weeks pregnant. WHAT? I know. This was BY FAR the fastest pregnancy ever. I even took a selfie in the bathroom mirror! Here:
I have gained 38 pounds. I know. I'm mortified, too. I gained about 45 with Oliver but my legs looked like actual tree trunks. I'm not kidding. It was so horrible and so painful. I was mostly water weight with him. I gained 24 with Ruby. This little guy is mostly just me eating 1700 bags of cadbury mini eggs and drinking Sunkist (not diet). Champion pregnancy eater? I think so. My swelling isn't bad at ALL. But my legs and humongous backside are bearing the greatest weight. And my boobs. It's all just a blubbery mess.
Here are some notables about this pregnancy since I'm nearing the end:
*physically, probably the worst. The consensus among my friends is their 3rd pregnancy was also the toughest. My varicose veins (the vag kind--sorry if that's TMI but not really) reared their ugly heads around 18 weeks and were just awful until about 2 weeks ago. Which is weird because they should still be awful since I gained NINE POUNDS between weeks 33-35.
*it's a boy. You people knew that, right?
*hmm, ruby thinks the birth marks/freckles on my belly are the baby.
*I found 2 stretch marks on the underside of my belly. I cried for an hour (i'm not exaggerating. Ask Sean. It was devastating). It's mostly really annoying because I had zero from the other two. C'est la vie.
*we have a name we are pretty certain on but I won't post it here. But I will probably tell you if I see you in person or you text me.
I think that's it. I"m feeling quite good, actually. It's sort of sad because I have had zero painful/irregular contractions to date. Plenty of angry braxton hicks but nothing to get worked up about. I was contracted for several weeks with Rubes. I'm not in a hurry to be done...so yeah. I just finished his car seat canopy! Here's proof:
(awesome phone quality picture)
oh, and here's my diaper bag. yes, those are birds:
(another awesome picture)
----------A little about my current babies. Man, I just love being a SAHM. They drive me completely insane but are so funny and (mostly) sweet together it makes it all worth it. Oliver is 3 and loves telling us stories and talking about Jesus. He knows all of his letters and can write his name. He is still our tender-hearted humongo. He's incredibly sensitive and sweet (most of the time). Ruby is so sassy and has SO MUCH PERSONALITY. That girl. She'll be 2 at the end of June. She sings her ABC's and can count to 20, though 15-20 are a bit sketchy. We feel like she gets sarcasm. It's the weirdest thing. Sometimes it's like talking to an adult. She is just the exact opposite of Oliver. Maybe that's why they are BFF?
That's all for now. This blog doesn't make any sense and it has crappy quality pictures. I am reeaallllyyy going to try and update this a couple times a week from here on out. You guys--hold me to this!!! Send me threatening text messages and what not.
Yeah!! So glad you updated the blog!!
ReplyDeleteSo, everyone always comments on the adorable car seat canopy you made me for Taycie. They (and I) love it. You're awesome at those.