
ruby's arrival pt. 2

pt. 2

I was reading through my pt. 1 blog and I realize I had about a billion grammatical errors and several incoherent sentences. Oh well, I guess that is what to be expected when you are taking percocet. I'll try to pick up where I left off...

Ok, I think I left off somewhere after I started oxygen? Sure. We'll start there. So we're getting to about 5 in the afternoon and I am still at a 1.5 but am at 90%. I can feel the ominous vibes from the nurses and my OB and I just start to feel a c-section is going to be the end of my labor story. Ruby's heart rate was lacking variation and I was on oxygen and wasn't progressing quick enough. I was so sad (as was everyone else in the room) and tried my best to keep it together. At 8 ish (maybe closer to 9?) I got my first of what was supposed to be 2 bags of antibiotics since we were entering hour 14 of my water breaking and everyone was getting concerned about infection. My nurse hooked the antibiotic up and started the drip. It stung/burned really bad. She said yes. And then as I was starting to sweat, I get the sensation of someone driving butcher knives up and down through my arm over and over and over again. I scream several choice swear words and start to rip the tape off my arm to pull the IV out. Apparently the nurse 'accidently' turned it on the highest drip for a split-second and that was the result. I was seriously SO discouraged and becoming really tired and weak (obviously).  At this point I was resigned to the fact that perhaps I was never meant to have a vaginal delivery.

And then 9:30 PM rolls around.

I get checked at 9:30 and magically I'm at a 3+. OH.MY.GOSH. We were all so excited! Progress! I just kept praying that I would get to a 5 before it was too late because, typically, when you get to a 5 it progresses pretty quickly at that point. Keep in mind I have yet to get my second bag of antibiotics...*

She checked me again at 10:30 and I was a 5+. And again at 1145 and I was a 7+ and completely thinned. By 1230 AM I was a 9+ and I started my first push at 12:50. That one was with the nurse. I did one set of 3 10 second pushes and she told me to stop and called my doc. 

He rolled in about 10 minutes later. I pushed 3 sets of 4 10 second pushes and she was born at 1:16 AM.


So, he put her on my chest and I noticed she was a little off-colored and not really moving. Or crying. I kept asking if that was normal but my audience was assuring me she was just fine (bless their hearts).  I was busy puking and sweating to see what was going on across the room. After they weighed her and I heard a weak and faint cry, they left. With Ruby. And off went Sean. 

I am going to break this post up from the next one because it's silly to have ones that are too long. I promise I am posting it tonight!


  1. I am happy you had a successful VBAC! I am also happy you get to take Ruby home tomorrow. I hope you are feeling better and everything is ok!

  2. You did it! I want to hear more. Are you doing ok? Drink lots of kefir! That's the only thing that helped my digestive system after all my antibiotics with Jordyn if you know what I am sayin' haha...but hopefully you are good in that arena. Bless your heart.

  3. Horray!!Congratulations! and only pushing for like 20 min you are a freakin champ! She is SO super adorable I'm so sad that I can't be there to cuddle her and talk for hours :)

  4. Woot woot! sounds great! Sounds like your body can do a normal delivery!!
