i'm late on updated, as usual. easter this year was quite lovely. oliver is starting to get excited about events (disneyland, going to the park and beach, disneyland) with the aid of youtube videos (seriously--search 'easter egg hunts', disneyland, ocean, whatever if you want your kids to quickly learn about random things). our apartment complex is sort of awesome in that every holiday is a massive celebration, very little expense spared. we knew this would be tricky--we had spent the morning watching videos on how to hunt eggs, complete with our own preemptive easter egg hunt in our living room. he was ready.
too bad the volunteers were instructed to start at 10 on the dot, not a second sooner.
enter panic and dramatic meltdowns of about 25, 2-year olds.
we went outside and saw hundreds of eggs. and to add insult to injury, we had to trek through said eggs to get to the 3 and under section as oliver violently sobbed and sobbed screaming 'eeeggggggggggggggg' while simultaneously throwing himself onto the grass in the middle of the untouchables. poor kid.
{note the tear}
life moved on when he was able to get his eggs
(4 to be exact. naturally, we let him get 8. hey, ruby needed eggs, too).
uhh..and by 8 i meant 10. whoops.
*also, note the color discrimination? silly boy.
and no easter celebration is complete without a super-creepy easter bunny:
easter morning started off with a poor attempt of us trying to
have a serious discussion about the real point of the holiday
perhaps the path of peeps and eggs everywhere played a role in that...
(a pass-along card with Christ on it stashed in his basket counts makes up for our failings, right?)
anyway, all was right in the world again when he was able to have another hunt.
we told him to find more eggs, so off he went:
the easter bunny brought him more matchbox cars.
who says having 2,108,432 matchcars is wrong?
(he loves those cheap things).