
this ALWAYS happens when someone has a blog hiatus.

You probably wondered. 
Or assumed. 
I know you did--I always assume. 
Somebody doesn't blog for a few months they come back and say, 
"aaaah, I'm sorry I suck--I'll try and be better!" 
but you know that won't last long. 

And then the next post people post: WE'RE EXPECTING!

And you think to yourself.....WELL DUH THEY ARE.

Uh...that's my long winded of saying this:
Mosman baby #3 due 5-6-12.

(this is the announcement for fb and instagram)

we are terrified thrilled.
really! we are so excited
we told oliver there was a baby in my belly and he said,
"mommy, you hungry?"
this is going to be awesome.



we are alive. i know you were all very concerned. i find myself overwhelmed at the thought of updated all the events of this summer. will do it slowly and in a disjointed fashion. for now, we are ALIVE!


someone turned 1...!

my oh my. 
where has time gone? 
our sweet sassy lady turned 1.
i have yet to figure out how to slow time down, much to my chagrin.
this girl keeps getting bigger and bigger.
 she talks. she runs. she eats everything--food, pennies, paper, no discrimination here.
she loves strangers. she pinches my cheeks. 
she loves babies. she holds them in the crook of her neck.
actually, she holds many things (water bottles, kitchen rugs, shoes, hangers) in the crook of her neck and rocks them back and forth. and coos at them. 
*wipes tear*
here are a bunch of basically the same picture over and over again because i love them all and i simply can't pick just one:

*if you are wondering if i ever edit my pictures, please note the crusted food stuck to the cushion in all of the pictures. no shame in my game*

happy birthday sweet ruby girl! 

1-year stats:
25 pounds 14 ounces--above 95th
31 inches--above 95th
19 inch head circumference--above 95th.
*fun fact--she was 1 pound 2 ounces heavier than oliver at 1! he was 2 inches taller, however.



i'm back! i've nothing to show for it except some mildly tanned skin and a 10 pound-or-so weight gain (not really, but sort of). we've been busy all over CA (with a 2-week blurp in WA) just basking in our awesomeness. now to bring you up to speed:

-sean finished his first year of law school (and did really well!)--thank heaven, because the whole single-parent thing was horrible (serious kudos to all you single-parents). he is currently working at the la county da's office as a clerk. he loves it and i love hearing (i mean, he doesn't disclose any information to me, like, ever...) about stuff going on there.

-ruby cruises all over the place (no more crawling for thunder thighs) and says quite a few words. she is unfailingly social--to a fault, almost. that girl walks up to strangers and reaches for them to pick her up and take her home every place we go. mother's worst nightmare when you are, say, at a park with creep-o mcgoo in his chester molester van full of candy and ice cream (note: this didn't happen, i just think of the most horrific 'what ifs' i can so i am always prepared. sean loves that i do this *sarcasm*)

-oliver is finally 2 1/2! he is just incredibly large with a heart just as big. i am happy to report he no longer hits his friends (with the exception of his arch nemesis/secret love interest sarah). and also sometimes when he's around his friend linus. but no more to random strangers who poke at him. he loves singing 'jesus wants me for a sunBEEP' and looking through 'noculars'. he is also really into 'dinaurs', which is awesome, except when he eats one of his dino nuggets he says, 'sorry ouchies dinaur.'

as for me, i'm just hanging out with the little bosses all day and taking care of the big one at night (wait, let's get something straight here--i am the main boss). i sort of feel like i'm losing brain power as of late so i'm over-compensating by reading 4 different books at THE SAME TIME I'M SO SMART CHECK OUT ALL THE BOOKS I'M READING. just kidding about that last part. but seriously, i am reading 4 different books. and since dr. phil is playing reruns now i have nothing to look forward to from 3-4 while the kids are napping.

well, that's it! we are looking forward to family and friends coming and visiting over the next couple of months. come visit, everyone! the more the merrier! now, let's see what pictures i can scrounge up...

 aquarium in long beach

 view from griffity observatory--went with the lunds!
 oliver and linus showed up in matching v-necks and mutual affection
 a month ago when rubes started walking...

 the only time cellulite is cute is when it's on a baby

 bffs gazing toward the hollywood sign


easter (and a million pictures)

i'm late on updated, as usual. easter this year was quite lovely. oliver is starting to get excited about events (disneyland, going to the park and beach, disneyland) with the aid of youtube videos (seriously--search 'easter egg hunts', disneyland, ocean, whatever if you want your kids to quickly learn about random things). our apartment complex is sort of awesome in that every holiday is a massive celebration, very little expense spared. we knew this would be tricky--we had spent the morning watching videos on how to hunt eggs, complete with our own preemptive easter egg hunt in our living room. he was ready.

too bad the volunteers were instructed to start at 10 on the dot, not a second sooner.

enter panic and dramatic meltdowns of about 25, 2-year olds.

we went outside and saw hundreds of eggs. and to add insult to injury, we had to trek through said eggs to get to the 3 and under section as oliver violently sobbed and sobbed screaming 'eeeggggggggggggggg' while simultaneously throwing himself onto the grass in the middle of the untouchables. poor kid.

{note the tear}

life moved on when he was able to get his eggs
(4 to be exact. naturally, we let him get 8. hey, ruby needed eggs, too).
uhh..and by 8 i meant 10. whoops.
*also, note the color discrimination? silly boy.

and no easter celebration is complete without a super-creepy easter bunny:


easter morning started off with a poor attempt of us trying to 
have a serious discussion about the real point of the holiday
perhaps the path of peeps and eggs everywhere played a role in that...
(a pass-along card with Christ on it stashed in his basket counts makes up for our failings, right?)

anyway, all was right in the world again when he was able to have another hunt.
we told him to find more eggs, so off he went:

 the easter bunny brought him more matchbox cars.
who says having 2,108,432 matchcars is wrong?
(he loves those cheap things).